Nordic International School Kalmar

Work hard, be kind.

Based on rigorous research on what works to maximise students’ academic progress and achievement as well as their development of important social-emotional skills – we have developed a concept where we, as a school with an international profile, focus on knowledge, academic progress and discipline. We admit students in years 4-9.

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Academic achievements in Kalmar

Learning outcomes

Our methods lead to strong results. Students attending Nordic International School Kalmar are consistently among the top performers in Kalmars Municipality and achieve results well above the national average.

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Knowledge, academic progress and discipline ikon

Knowledge, academic progress and discipline

An international profile ikon

An international profile

Evidence-based practices ikon

Evidence-based practices

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Nordic International School Kalmar flyttar till nya lokaler inför höstterminen

28 June, 2024

Nordic International School Kalmar flyttar till nya, ändamålsenliga lokaler i närområdet, med förbättrade möjligheter för elever och personal. Flytten inkluderar större klassrum, bättre akustik, elevcafeteria, rörelserum, och dedikerade salar för olika ämnen. Skolgården kommer att förbättras och en ny bollplan anläggas. Flytten sker under sommaren.

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Rektor Ms. Jenny Hultsberg leder Nordic International School Kalmar mot höga mål

14 May, 2024

Rektor Ms. Jenny Hultsberg leder Nordic International School Kalmar med klar vision och högt motiverad personal. Skolan erbjuder unik lärmiljö med flerspråkiga lärare och elever. Hultsbergs mål är att bli den mest rekommenderade skolan i Kalmar. Eleverna visar hög social kompetens och målmedvetenhet. Framtiden ser ljus ut.

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Quality and results

Nordic International School has a well developed quality process in place, which we use to regularly measure and evaluate perceived satisfaction and learning outcomes.

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Read our brochure

Every year we publish a brochure about the school. You can access it through your browser or download it to your computer.

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